New Year, New You: 5 Self-Care Resolutions You Can Actually Stick To

New Year, New You: 5 Self-Care Resolutions You Can Actually Stick To

Affirmation: “Rest is not idleness. It’s the soil where creativity and reflection grow.”

Embracing Rest Over Perfection

Put your hand up if you’ve been trying your best to stick to your self-care resolutions this year. I’ll put my hand down—because while I’ve made some effort, I’ll admit it hasn’t been my best. Nevertheless, I don’t feel like I’ve failed at all. I’m perfectly content with where I am right now, because I’ve chosen to prioritize rest. Once I’m fully rested, I know I can hit the ground running—rest truly is the soil that nurtures my creativity.

Discovering the Finch App

Recently, I re-downloaded the Finch app. The first time I tried it, I didn’t give it much thought. But this time, I’m taking it seriously—especially for us ’90s babies, it feels like having our very own grown-up Tamagotchi! I remember how dedicated I was to keeping my virtual pet alive in elementary school, so I plan to channel that same energy now.

Finch is a cute little app that helps you stay committed to your self-care journey. It even comes with a monthly self-care calendar. I had to do a double take—like, “Wait, is this Glam Ace Boutique?” I love that I can customize Finch’s calendar to match my January Self-Care Calendar (which, by the way, you can download for free on our website!).

Small Steps, Big Impact

The app takes things day by day, task by task—encouraging you to focus less on what you haven’t completed and more on celebrating what you have. I don’t want to get too spiritual, but I just read 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Whether or not you choose to download Finch, and whether or not you’re spiritual, remember this: have the spirit to live without fear, and tap into the power of self-control. Take your self-care resolutions step by step.

5 Self-Care Resolutions You Can Actually Stick To

If you’re feeling stuck and need practical tips you can truly commit to, here’s a list of 10 ideas. Pick just 5 that resonate with you and STRIVE to make them a part of your routine:

  1. Prioritize Sleep
  2. Hydrate More
  3. Move Your Body
  4. Schedule “Me Time”
  5. Declutter Your Space
  6. Practice Gratitude
  7. Unplug from Technology
  8. Start Journaling
  9. Try Something New
  10. Spend Time Outside

Let me know which ones you’ll be adding to your list. And always remember: it’s okay to rest!

Final Thoughts

This year, let’s redefine “success” as simply taking care of ourselves—mind, body, and spirit. Rest isn’t laziness; it’s essential nourishment for our creativity and well-being. By choosing even a few small resolutions and showing yourself grace along the way, you’ll discover that the path to self-care can be both steady and deeply rewarding.

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